Study on the Pressures of Resources and Environment from Economy Development in Chongqing Urban Areas 重庆都市区经济增长对资源环境的压力探析
It shows that people in South Jiangxi Province have paved the way-a mode of pig-methane-orchard through a long term practice, which is the harmonious development of ecologic environment and economy. 以江西赣南为例,介绍了水土保持的治理措施,以及生态和经济同步发展的猪-沼-果模式。
Our share vision: dedicated to help organizations, individuals and the society to pay more attention to the importance of environmental protection, and promote a sustainable growth of environment, economy and human being. 我们的愿景:通过自身努力,协助企业、个人、社会关注环境保护的重要性,促进人类环境和经济的可持续发展。
The Cleaner Production is the inevitable choice for sustainable development, and it can ensure the coordinated development of between environment and economy. 清洁生产是可持续发展的必然选择,可以保证环境和经济的协调发展。
Model Analysis of A Multi-objective of Population Society Environment and Economy of Yinchuan 银川市人口社会经济和环境协调发展多目标规划模型研究
Comprehensive Management Model of Water Resources Environment Economy for Baotou City 包头市水资源-环境-经济综合管理模型的研究
Quantitative study on adaptation strategies of environment economy for climate change 环境经济对气候变化适应对策的定量研究
It proposes that the dynamic balance between resources, environment, economy and society can lead to the realization of the sustainable development with emphasis on regional development. 提出以发展为重点,通过资源、环境、经济、社会的动态平衡实现可持续发展的建模思路;
The article discusses the diet culture of the herdsmen who are accustomed to the nomadic environment and economy. 文章研究了适应游牧环境和游牧经济的牧人的饮食文化。
Evolution Trend Evaluation and Countermeasures to the Coordinated Development between Environment and Economy in Xining City 西宁市环境与经济协调发展演变趋势评价及对策研究
Analysis of harmonious development of environment and economy of seashore area of Dalian City 大连市海岸带经济与环境协调发展分析
Population aging is the necessary result as the development of population resource, environment and economy keeping improvement, and national health. 人口老龄化是人口资源、环境和经济可持续发展以及国家卫生健康水平提高的社会必然。
Measurement Analysis and Policy Research on Harmonious Development of Energy, Environment and Economy 能源与经济、环境协调发展的测度分析及政策研究
A DSS for the coordinative development between environment and economy of small and medium enterprises 中小企业环境与经济协调发展的决策支持系统
Directory of "double high" products and policy of environment economy in coatings industry 涂料行业双高产品名录与环境经济政策
This indicator system based on the environment, economy and the development of society can reflect its developmental level objectively. 该指标体系基于环境、经济和社会发展指数,全面客观地反映循环经济的发展状况。
Research on Sustainable Development of Dalian Energy Environment Economy 大连能源环境经济可持续发展研究
The Mexico gulf oil spilling as the worst oil spilling accident in America's history led to a bad impact on environment, economy and people's living, and also changed its energy policies and layout. 墨西哥湾漏油事件作为美国历史上最严重的漏油事故,在对周围地区环境、经济以及人民生活产生严重影响的同时,也改变着美国的能源政策及格局。
Circulation economic growth system is a complicated large scale system being composed of subsystems such as ecological environment, economy, society. 摘要循环经济发展系统是一个由生态环境、经济、社会等子系统组成的复杂大系统。
Research on A New Assessment Index of Environment and Economy 一种新的环境与经济评价指数方法的研究
Variable Fuzzy Recognition about Resources Environment and Economy Coordinated Development of Liaoning Province 辽宁资源环境经济协调发展可变模糊识别研究
Through the phased construction and practice of sustainable development of society, environment and economy, Hastings Park redevelopment planning has transformed the original Pacific National Convention Center into a large regional park in East vancouver. 哈斯廷公园的重建规划通过社会、环境、经济的可持续发展的实践分期建设,将原有太平洋国家会展中心改造为温哥华东区的大型区域性公园。
Test and Analysis of Thermal Environment and Economy in Residential Building under Two Heating Methods 两种采暖方式下居室内热环境和经济性的测试与分析
The Assessment Research on Sustainable Development of Regional Marine Environment and Economy System Based: An Emergy Analysis 基于能值分析的区域海洋环境经济系统可持续发展评价研究
Study on Sustainable Development in Concordance within Water Resources, Water Environment and Economy for Dalian 大连市水资源、环境与经济协调可持续发展研究
The problem of environment and economy is a very important one. 环境与经济问题是我国社会经济发展过程中的一个十分重要的问题。
The theory of environment economy. 环境经济学理论。
The Regional Optimization Model of Water Environment Economy System and Its Application 区域水环境经济系统优化模型及其应用
This paper analyzes on the influences of urbanization development on the environment economy, and puts forwards some new ideas and countermeasures for doing well the management of urban environment. 分析了城市化发展对环境经济的影响,对如何做好城市环境管理,提出了新的思路和对策。
A quantitative description to the coordinated development of the regional population resources environment economy society ( pred) system 区域PRED系统协调发展的定量描述